Media Kit

If you’re publishing a press release, news article, or another content piece about Vermeer, please ensure you’re adhering to our brand guidelines as they relate to our colors and logo use. Below are logo files and guidelines for you to follow when using them, and answers to common questions about how our brand should be portrayed.

Logo Files & Guidelines

Read About Logo Usage Guidelines

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the color options for using the Vermeer logo?


Vermeer logoVermeer logo reverse

Vermeer provides both black and white versions of logos for use. Be cognizant of the background color and use either black over a light background or white over a dark background. The Vermeer logo family is also available in bevel, flat and one-color variations. Each is best suited for certain applications as outlined here.

Do I have to use the logos differently depending on whether they are published digitally or in print?

The Vermeer logo family is available in bevel, flat and one-color variations. Each is best suited for certain applications. The beveled Vermeer logo should be used in four-color print applications with some exceptions such as two-color print applications, apparel, signage structures and digital properties where the flat version of the logo should be used. The one-color logo should be used in limited applications such as black and white print production. 

Does the logo need to be a certain size?

The Vermeer logo and tagline should never be used so small that legibility is compromised. The Vermeer Kabel wordmark and the stacked tagline should never be reproduced for print applications smaller than .75 in (1.9 cm) wide. The horizontal tagline signature should never be reproduced in print smaller than 1.5 in (3.8 cm) wide.

Am I required to use the Vermeer logo any time I mention Vermeer in an online publication?

It is preferred that an approved Vermeer logo be included alongside any publication mentioning Vermeer Corporation. Download approved logos. Vermeer, the Vermeer logo and Equipped to Do More are registered trademarks of Vermeer Manufacturing Company. Please include proper trademark attribution when using Vermeer logos in print or digital publications. See a full list of Vermeer trademarks. 

Do I have to use the word “Vermeer” with the logo in digital and print media communication, or can I just use the “V” part of the logo?

Yes, you must use “Vermeer” along with the stylized “V”. 

Is there standard verbiage about Vermeer I should use in my press release or news article?

Please include the following information about Vermeer Corporation in the boilerplate on any press release or news article that references Vermeer products, parts or service.

“Vermeer Corporation delivers a real impact on the way important work gets done through the design, manufacture and support of high-quality industrial and agricultural equipment that helps connect people to the necessities of life, manage natural resources and feed and fuel communities. With a reputation for being built tough and built a better way, that equipment is backed by localized customer service and support provided by independent dealers around the world. To learn about Vermeer Corporation, products, the dealer network, financing options and careers, visit”

Still have questions? Contact us for help.